In addition to the core classes, there are also "Core Enrichment" classes. These classes are not instrument-specific, and bring together students of similar ages and levels to work on music in a medium outside of their instrument.
Every student receives one "Core Enrichment" class with their schedule.
(These differ from "Enrichment-only" classes such as Art and Musical Theater, that can be purchased for an additional fee)
Core Enrichment classes can vary from year to year at ISSI; a rotation of offerings keeps things interesting and fresh!
Some Core Enrichment classes that have been offered in the past include:
- American Fiddling
- Celtic Fiddling
- Jazz
- Dalcroze
- Music & Movement
- Ear Training
- Storytelling
Stay tuned to see what will be offered this year!
I noticed when registering my two boys that the younger boy in the lower strings curriculum was given the option to choose two enrichment classes, whereas my older boy in the upper strings curriculum was given no such option during registration/check-out. Do the upper strings kids not get enrichment classes, or are they automatically built in?